
CO-CARBON mukana ACCC Impact Week -tapahtumassa 24.4.2025

CO-CARBON järjestää Ilmakehän ja ilmaston osaamiskeskus ACCC:n tämän vuoden Impact Week -tapahtumassa englanninkielisen seminaarin 24.4. klo 13-14. Seminaarin tarkempi kuvaus ja ohjelma löytyy alta:

CO-CARBON project: Recent findings on urban carbon cycle and sinks

Urban green infrastructure plays a key role in climate change mitigation and adaptation at the same time when having other benefits. Vegetation and soil store atmospheric carbon, modify local climate conditions, enhance stormwater cycling, and increase human well-being. CO-CARBON project studies carbon-smart urban green infrastructure from multiple perspectives and focuses, for example, on quantifying and modelling carbon sequestration and storage in urban green areas and examining the planning of carbon-smart urban green infrastructure from city-level to individual green spaces. This seminar presents some recent findings of the project.


13:00 Leena Järvi, University of Helsinki: Overview of the CO-CARBON project

13:10 Minttu Havu, University of Helsinki: Quantifying city-wide CO2 sinks using urban land surface modelling

13:25 Caroline Moinel, Aalto University: Unveiling Landscape Life Cycle Assessment: towards holistic understanding of carbon flows in urban green spaces

13:40 Liisa Kulmala, Finnish Meteorological Institute: Biogenic Carbon sequestration in cities: applying scalable, cost-effective and science-based models to support services and end-users


ACCC Impact Weekin tarkempi ohjelma:

Ilmoittaudu 9.4. mennessä!


Aloituskuva: Lammassaari keväällä 2021, Tiina Merikoski

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