CO-CARBON researchers Leena Järvi and Liisa Kulmala gave talks in a seminar organized at the European Parliament as part of a delegation of the Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) Flagship programme. The delegation was hosted by Finnish Member of the European Parliament Sirpa Pietikäinen. The aim of the visit was to strengthen interaction between European policy makers in the field of climate change and air quality research.
Although urban green is increasingly included in EU level discussion on climate and sustainability goals, there is room for improvement.
According to CO-CARBON Leader Leena Järvi, carbon-smartness should be included as integral part of discussion concerning nature-based solutions.
-We also want to emphasize that climate and biodiversity strategies should be linked together in a stronger manner. In addition, carbon-smartness should be included to different level of decision making in cities.
ACCC is a Finnish Flagship constituted by the University of Helsinki, Tampere University, University of Eastern Finland and the Finnish Meteorological Institute. We are working to address two of the most urgent global Grand Challenges: climate change and deteriorating air quality.
(Photo: Rosa Rantanen)