Welcome to the Carbon-smart Urban Green Festival!
The Carbon-smart Urban Green Festival will be organised as a two-day event in Helsinki Central Library Oodi and its surroundings, including a scientific seminar and an event day for all residents.
The festival opens on Friday, August 25th, with the Towards green and carbon-smart cities scientific seminar, where results of the CO-CARBON research project are presented and the role of urban green as part of mitigating and adapting to climate change is discussed. The seminar is targeted at urban planners, landscape architects, researchers, green infrastructure professionals, and all those involved in the development and decision-making of climate-smart cities. The language of the seminar is English, and the seminar requires registration in advance.
On Saturday, August 26th, the Inspiroidu hiiliviisaasta kaupunkivihreästä! event day will offer diverse program related to urban green areas and their role in mitigating climate change and adapting to it. The day is targeted at all residents, and it is free of charge. The program has been developed in collaboration with the Finnish Association of Landscape Industries, the Rural Women’s Advisory Organization and the Natural Resource Institute Finland. The language of the program is Finnish.
Have a look at the more detailed program on the Festival page!
The festival is on the same week as Tree Hugging Week and Finnish Nature Day.
The Carbon-smart Urban Green Festival is part of the CO-CARBON research project and is organized every other year. The first festival took place in 2021.
More information about the event:
Sinikukka Pyykkönen, sinikukka.pyykkonen@owalgroup.com
Leena Järvi, leena.jarvi@helsinki.fi
Ranja Hautamäki, ranja.hautamaki@aalto.fi