Research group

Aarni Koiso-Kanttila
WP2 Research assistant
BSc in Environmental Sciences Finnish Meteorological Institute

Anton Stahl Olafsson
WP3 Researcher
PhD, Associate Professor University of Copenhagen, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning
+45 35 33 18 08

Antti Kinnunen
WP6 Researcher
M.Sc., PhD candidate Aalto University Department of Built Environment

Anu Koponen
WP5 Researcher
M.Sc. (Horticulture) Häme University of Applied Sciences

Caroline Moinel
WP4 Researcher
Architect M.Sc., PhD candidate Aalto University Department of Architecture

Christopher Raymond
WP3 Leader
PhD, Professor University of Helsinki: Department of Economics and Management, Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS)
+358 50 556 0850

Elina Alatalo
WP7 Leader, interaction coordinator
Architect, Visiting Doctoral Researcher Aalto university, architecture department
+358 50 5099027

Esko Karvinen
WP1 Researcher
M.Sc. (Forest sciences) Finnish Meteorological Institute

Essi Ryymin
WP5 Researcher
PhD, Principal Research Scientist Häme University of Applied Sciences
+ 358 50 461 7557

Eugenia Castellazzi
WP3 Researcher
MA, PhD candidate University of Helsinki

Hei Shing (Michael) Lee
WP1 Researcher
M.Sc. (Atmospheric Sciences), PhD candidate University of Helsinki: Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR)

Johanna Hohenthal
Research coordinator
PhD (Geography) University of Helsinki, Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS)

Justine Trémeau
WP1 Researcher
M.Sc (Ecology and Environmental sciences), Junior researcher

Leena Järvi
Leader, WP1 Leader
PhD, Docent, Associate professor University of Helsinki: Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS), Helsinki Institute of Urban and Regional Studies (Urbaria)
+358 50 311 0371

Leif Backman
WP2 Researcher
DSc (Tech), Senior researcher Finnish Meteorological Institute
+358 50 405 0752

Liisa Kulmala
WP2 Leader
PhD, Senior researcher Finnish Meteorological Institute
+358 40 574 6152

Mari Ariluoma
WP4 Researcher
Landscape architect M.Sc., Doctoral Researcher Aalto University Department of Architecture

Matti Kuittinen
WP4 Researcher
D.Sc. (Architecture), Associate professor in Sustainable Building Construction Aalto University Department of Architecture

Minttu Havu
WP1 Researcher
MSc, PhD candidate University of Helsinki, Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR)

Natalie Marie Gulsrud
WP3 Researcher
PhD, Associate Professor University of Copenhagen, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning
+45 21 86 55 24

Oriol García Antúnez
WP3 Researcher
Ph.D. (Landscape Architecture and Planning), Postdoctoral researcher University of Helsinki

Outi Tahvonen
WP5 Leader
D.Sc. (Architecture), Principal Research Scientist (tenure track) Häme University of Applied Sciences
+358 40 351 9352

Paula-Kaisa Leppänen
WP4 and WP5 Researcher
M.Sc. (geography) Häme University of Applied Sciences

Ranja Hautamäki
Vice Leader, WP4 Leader
D.Sc. (Architecture), landscape architect M.Sc., Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture Aalto University Department of Architecture
+358 50 523 2207

Seppo Junnila
WP6 Leader
D.Sc. (Tech), professor Aalto University Department of Built Environment

Taika Tommila
WP5 Researcher
M.Sc. (Environmental Change and Global Sustainability) Häme University of Applied Sciences

Viivi Virtanen
WP5 Researcher
PhD, Docent, Principal Research Scientist Häme University of Applied Sciences
Former project members

Anna Pursiainen
WP7 Research assistant
MSc, Landscape architecture student Aalto University Department of Architecture

Anna Ryymin
WP5 Researcher
Landscape architect M.Sc. Häme University of Applied Sciences

Harri Mattila
WP5 Leader
D.Sc. (Tech), Principal Research Scientist, Associate Professor Häme University of Applied Sciences

Heta Rintala
WP5 Researcher
PhD, M.A. (Ed.), Principal Research Scientist (tenure track) Häme University of Applied Sciences
+358 50 303 0724

Joyson Ahongshangbam
WP1 Researcher
PhD University of Helsinki: Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR)

Jussi Lampinen
WP3 Researcher
PhD, Postdoctoral researcher University of Helsinki, The Department of Economics and Management, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry

Juudit Ottelin
WP6 Leader
PhD, Postdoctoral researcher Aalto University Department of Built Environment

Mona Kalpala
WP5 Researcher
M.A. (Landscape Studies) Häme University of Applied Sciences

Rosa Rantanen
Research coordinator
D.Soc.Sc. University of Helsinki, Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR)

Sofia Kangas
WP7 Research assistant
Landscape architect Aalto University Department of Architecture

Tiina Merikoski
WP7 Leader, Interaction coordinator
D.Sc. (Tech), Landscape Architect, Interaction coordinator Aalto University Department of Architecture